
基督复临论者承认 & 传输标准

学生 who meet or exceed the following academic credentials for admission to graduate programs鼓励申请. Note that satisfaction of minimum academic st和ards is only one factor in admission decisions. If your country is not listed below please contact the 国际教育专员.

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • 博根霍芬城堡研讨会 (Bogenhofen神学院)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由该机构以英文发出.)

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.
规模1 规模2 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
1.0 94-100 A 4.00
1.3 90-93 A- 3.67
1.7 86-89 B+ 3.33
2.0 81-85 B 3.00
2.3 77-80 B- 2.67
2.7 73-76 C+ 2.33
3.0 67-72 C 2.00
3.3 64-67 C- 1.67
3.7 60-63 D+ 1.33
4.0 55-59 D 1.00
4.3 51-54 D- 0.67
5.0 0-50 F 0

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 德国

List of Institutional 和 Program 认证

  • Recognized by: The State Ministry of Education, 奥地利 (for its Senior High School). The 机构 is also authorized by the Bundesministerium des Innern (Ministry of Internal Affairs, 奥地利) to conduct study programs with its current term extending through September 2022.
  • Accredited by: Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) Accredited since: 1983 (general), 1997 (BTh). 
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • Adventističko Teološko Visoko Učilište (亚得里亚海联合学院)

请注意: Three-year bachelor's degrees 是 accepted if all coursework is completed 和 the final diploma has been issued.

What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求. 
标志1 是2 评论 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
91-100 5 优秀的 A 4.00
81-90 4 很好 A 4.00
71-80 3 B 3.00
61-70 2 令人满意的 C 2.00
0-60 1 失败 F 0.00

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 克罗地亚

List of Institutional 和 Program 认证

  • Validated by: Evangelical Theological 教师, Osijek
  • Accredited by: Adventist Accrediting Association (since 1978) 
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • Adventistický Teologický研究所 – CASD (捷克o-Slovakian Union Adventist Theological Institute-formerly Sazava Theological Seminary)
请注意: Three-year bachelor's degrees 是 accepted if all coursework is completed 和 the final diploma has been issued.
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 diploma supplement/academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由该机构以英文发出.)

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.
信等级 百分比 描述 美国平均绩点(GPA)
A 91-100% 伟大的 4.00
A- 81-90% 值得称赞的 3.67
B 71-80% 2.00
B- 61-70% 2.67
C 51-60% 足够 2.00
F 低于50% 不足 0.00
请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.
官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 捷克

List of Institutional 和 Program 认证

  • Recognized by: 捷克 Ministry of Education
  • Accredited by: Adventist Accrediting Association Accredited (since 1997)


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • 校园基督复临会 (Adventist University of 法国- Collonges)
  • Bachelor's degree - 3-year Bologna-compliant degree (180-240 ECTS credits)
请注意: Three-year bachelor's degrees 是 accepted if all coursework is completed 和 the final diploma has been issued.
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 diploma supplement/relevés de notes 和 academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).
请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求. 
数量规模 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
17-20 A 4.00
15-16.9 A- 3.67
14-14.9 B+ 3.33


B 3.00
12-12.9 B- 2.67
11-11.9 C+ 2.33
10-10.9 C 2.00
9-9.9 D 1.00
0-8.9 F 0.00
请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.
官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 法国
  • 中文:青年事工硕士


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • 神学院弗里登索 (弗里登绍基督复临大学)
  • Bachelor degree - 3-year Bologna-compliant degree (180-240 ECTS credits)
请注意: Three-year bachelor's degrees 是 accepted if all coursework is completed 和 the final diploma has been issued. 
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 diploma supplement/academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).
请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.


  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.

能力是 颜色的评论 颜色的年级 美国等价物 相当于美国GPA
  优秀的 A    
  很好 B    
  令人满意的 D    
  足够的 E    
  失败 F    

德国 Grades: 1-优秀的     2-好     3-令人满意的     4-失败

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.


官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 德国
  • 英语


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees


  • Adventista Teológiai Főiskola (匈牙利 Adventist Theological College)

请注意: Three-year bachelor's degrees 是 accepted if all coursework is completed 和 the final diploma has been issued.

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • 非官方的 diploma supplement/academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.


  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求. 


  • 即将到来的!

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 匈牙利

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees


  • Istituto Avventista di Cultura Biblica Villa Aurora (意大利 Adventist University Villa Aurora)
  • Bachelor's degree - 3-year Bologna-compliant degree (180-240 ECTS credits)

请注意: Three-year bachelor's degrees 是 accepted if all coursework is completed 和 the final diploma has been issued

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • 非官方的 Certificatos d’esami/diploma supplement/academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.


  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.


科目考试* 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
28-30 A 4.00
27 A- 3.67
26 B+ 3.33
25 B 3.00
24 B- 2.67
23 C+ 2.33
20-22 C 2.00
18-19 C- 1.67
0-17 F 0.00

*The designation a lode (with honours) may be added to a perfect score (grade of 30 on course work 和 110 on degree examinations) to recognize exceptional achievement.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 意大利
  • 英语: MA in International Development Program/Organizational Leadership (bet365中文大学)


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczno-Humanistyczna (波兰的 Senior College of Theology 和 Humanities)
  • 第一个 Cycle Bologna Compliant Degree (bachelor)/180 ECTS Credit

请注意: Three-year bachelor's degrees 是 accepted if all coursework is completed 和 the final diploma has been issued.

What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.
数量规模 数量规模 波兰语(英语)描述 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
5 5-5.49 很好 A 4.00
4+ 4.5-4.99 好+ A- 3.67
4 4-4.49 B 3.00
3+ 3.5-3.99 令人满意的加 C+ 2.33
3 3-3.49 令人满意的 C 2.00
2 1-2.99 不满意/失败 F 0.00
请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.
官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 波兰的
  • 俄罗斯


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees


  • Cernica的Adventus大学
  • 学院神学复临论者 (复临神学院)

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • 非官方的 diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.


  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.



级数量 罗马尼亚语(英语)描述 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
9-10 杰出(优秀) A 4.00
7-8.99 包子(好) B 3.00
5-6.99 Suficient(好) C 2.00
0-4.99   F 0.00

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 罗马尼亚语:所有本科课程
  • 中文:宗教文学硕士


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees


  • 祖奥斯基基督复临大学

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • 非官方的 diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
  • Diplom o Srednem Professionalnom Obrazovanii, 拿破仑·维什姆·奥布拉索瓦尼文凭, 理科硕士Bakalavra, 理科硕士Magistra, 理科硕士Spetsialista, 候选人:诺克, Diplom Doktora Nauk (Degree Certificate)
  • Akademicheskaya Spravka, Prilozhenie k Diplomu (Academic 成绩单)
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.


  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.


GPA (* 5.00) 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
5.00 A 4.00
4.67 A- 3.67
4.33 B+ 3.33
4.00 B 3.00
3.67 B- 2.67
3.33 C+ 2.33
3.00 C 2.00
2.67 C- 1.67
2.00 D 1.00
0.00 F 0.00

AU= 审计                                UA= 令人不满意的审计                      I= 不完整的

DG= 延迟的年级            W= 撤军                                         R= 重复

#= 重复的类            S/U= 满意/不满意


级数量 罗马尼亚语(英语)描述 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
5 отлично/ Otlichno(优秀) A 4.00
4-4.99 хорошо/ Khorosho(好) B 3.00
3-3.99 удовлетворительно/Udovletvoritel'no  (令人满意的) C 2.00
  зачёт(信贷) S  
2-2.99 неудовлетворительно/Neudovletvoritel'no (Unsatisfactory/失败) F 0.00

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 俄罗斯
  • 英语


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees


  • Teološki Fakultet贝尔格莱德(贝尔格莱德神学院)

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • 非官方的 diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.


  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.


数量规模 塞尔维亚语(英语)描述 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
10 Odliean /优秀的 A 4.00
9 Odlitan /优秀的 A 4.00
8 Vrlo Dobar/非常好 B+ 3.33
7 Dobar /好 B 3.00
6 Dovolian /足够的 C 2.00
5 Nedovoljan /不足 F 0.00
P Pro5ao /传递    

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 塞尔维亚


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • 萨格托教育中心 (Sagunto Adventist College)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Copias de Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (unofficial academic transcripts)
  • Titulos /毕业文凭,
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.
数量规模 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
9.0-10.00 A 4.00
8.5-8.9 A- 3.67
8.0-8.4 B+ 3.50
7.5-7.9 B 3.00
7.0-7.4 B- 2.67
6.5-6.9 C+ 2.33
6.0-6.4 C 2.00
5.5-5.9 C- 1.67
5.0-5.4 D+ 1.33
4.5-4.9 D 1.00
4.0-4.4 D- 0.67
0.9-3.9 F 0.00

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 西班牙语



Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • 乌克兰 Adventist Center of Higher Education
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 Prilozhenie k Diplomu/Diploma supplement/academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma
  • Akademicheskaya Spravk (academic certificates), Dyplom (diplomas) earned
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 由院校以英文发出).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

  • 官方 最终成绩单将被要求.


  • 即将到来的!
官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 乌克兰
  • 俄罗斯
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • 纽博尔德高等教育学院, degrees conferred by University of Wales Lampeter / Saint David
  • Bachelor degrees from Newbold College validated by The University of Wales, Trinity St. David, bet365中文大学 和 Washington Adventist University

评分量表 Newbold College of Higher Education

百分比 信等级 美国平均绩点(GPA)
70-100 A 4.00
60-69 A- 3.67
50-59 B 3.00
40-49 C+ 2.33
35-39 C 2.00
15-34 F 0.00
第一个 70%-100% A
上第二次 60%-69% A-/B+
较低的第二 50%-59% B
第三 40%-49% C
失败 低于40% F
Award Classification for University of Wales MA degrees (called Postgraduate in the UK)
部门 百分比 美国等价物 美国平均绩点(GPA)
区别 70%-100% A 4.00
优点 65%-69% A- 3.67
优点 60%-64% B+ 3.33
通过 50%-59% B 3.00
边际通过 40%-49% C 2.00
失败 低于40% F 0.00
官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 英语
