研究生 School: The Next Step?

读研究生的决定、机构和学位项目的选择都需要认真考虑. 的时间, 钱, and energy you will expend doing graduate work are significant, and you will want to analyze your options carefully.

不管你是否去读研都需要做大量的研究, having a solid career plan, 了解你自己. 在做决定时,你必须考虑研究生院涉及的所有方面,比如你是否应该去, how to find the best program,  entrance requirements and exams, 建议, 应用程序, how you will pay for graduate school, and what if happens if you don’t get in?




Ask yourself the following:

  1. Am I sure of my career direction and goals?
  2. Do I have a clear idea of w我想学习?
  3. Do I like what I would be studying or have a passion for it?
  4. 研究生学习是必要的还是工作经验更有助于我成熟, 明确我的职业目标, and give me practical experience?
  5. Am I considering graduate school for the right reasons? 市场前景如何? How did I perform during my undegraduate studies? Do I know what I can do with my degree?
  6. How will graduate school enhance my job prospects – if at all? What types of jobs are associated with this degree? Will it expand or narrow job options?
  7. How will I finance graduate school? 我研究过费用和所有的融资选择,比如研究生助学金吗, 贷款, 奖学金, 兼职工作?


  • Decide which program of study you’re really interested in.
  • Identify the schools that offer that program of study. 就业中心、JW图书馆、书籍和在线资源都能提供帮助.
  • 联系你感兴趣的学校,索取有关你感兴趣的学校和项目的材料.
  • Investigate the program of interest, 教师的声誉, 毕业生在做什么, 它们在哪里?.
  • 评估部门, 不仅仅是学校, and see how the program of interest fits into your career goals.
  • Speak with the admissions officers and graduate advisors. 多问问题,不要完全依赖学校排名,因为顶级课程并不总是位于顶级学校.
  • Visit the schools of interest. 与当前的学生和教师谈论课程和项目. Ask questions about the workload, 教师的关系, research interests and publications, demographic make-up and class size, and internship or practicum opportunities.
  • 与校友谈论他们在项目中的经历、工作和培训.
  • Take into account the location, 家庭, 个人利益, weather, and professional activities may affect you during your studies.
  • 看看学校和社区里有什么服务或项目可以帮助你在毕业后找到工作.


入学考试有时是由你就读的学校提供的. 如果不是的话, 你需要通过你的州办公室或向教师询问有关考试地点的信息. bet365中文大学 offers many of these tests on campus. 请向咨询和测试中心查询准确的日期和时间.

1. Plan when you will take your exam(s)
a. LSAT – July or October of the senior year
b. MCAT - April of the junior year
c. GRE – check with the individual programs for requirements

d. GMAT – during the senior year or one to two years of working

2. 有些测试可以重做. 考虑:
a. Whether all scores are reported
b. Whether best scores are considered or if they’re averaged

c. 重新选择. 如果重修是不允许的,那么提前准备考试就更重要了.

3. 检查一下考试成绩的有效期是三年还是五年,这样你就可以决定什么时候需要申请了.

4. 考试报名公告可在贝尔大厅的咨询和考试中心获得, from your academic advisor, 和在线.


推荐信是研究生院申请的重要组成部分. 记得:

  1. Select your advocates carefully. 选择那些了解你和你工作的人,和你一起度过时间的人. 这些人能够最有效地描述你.
  2. 考虑一下写作能力好的教授、助教、行政人员或雇主. 强有力的信函可能有助于加强你申请中较弱的部分.
  3. The letters should reflect what sets you apart from the rest, what gives you the potential to succeed, and should contain specific examples of your accomplishments.
  4. 问问你的教授,他们是否可以写一些积极、热情地展示你的优势和成就的信. 如果没有,问问别人. You need to have complete confidence in your recommenders.
  5. 创建一个文件,里面包含一份当前的简历,一份你的目标和成就的清单,一份你的简历副本 个人陈述, and an unofficial transcript. 给 this file to your recommenders. 通过在信中加入更多具体的细节,这会帮助他们写出更有力的信.
  6. Some schools conduct admissions interviews. 这与求职面试类似,你应该像面试一样做好充分的准备和练习. This interview could increase your chances of being accepted.
    • 想想你可能被问到的问题,练习用语言表达你的答案.
    • 想想你想让面试官了解你的哪些方面,以便在有机会的时候你可以展示这些信息.
    • 永远专业着装.
  7. 在某些领域,你必须提交一份作品集或安排一次试镜.


收集所有的申请和支持材料是很重要的. 请记住,每个申请可能有不同的要求,所以一定要仔细阅读所有的申请.

1. Know application deadlines and apply early. 一些学校实行滚动录取,并根据收到的日期和收到的顺序做出决定.

2. Create a timeline to track deadlines. 根据截止日期对申请进行优先排序,并相应地申请. 用一个文件夹来存放所有的材料,以便于取用.

3. Most 应用程序 require the following: an application form, 个人陈述, official copies of transcripts from all schools attended, 推荐信, 简历, financial aid 应用程序, 申请费, and forwarding of test scores. Download the Personal Statements guide 在这里

5. Do not apply to program you would not attend.


你需要考虑如何支付研究生院的学费. T在这里 are many resources available to you, 但这需要时间和研究来找到最适合你的.

1. Contact the graduate school office, 学术部门, and the financial aid office to get financial aid information. Do this for each school you are considering attending.

2. 了解是否有专业组织提供的奖助金和奖学金, 雇主, 联邦政府, 研究生院.

3. Work possibilities may be found through teaching, research or administrative assistantships, 校园就业, or within the local community.

4. 贷款可以从联邦、州、机构或个人获得.

5. Pay special attention to financial aid application deadlines. 这些通常需要在研究生院申请截止日期之前提交.



  1. Take a careful look at your goals and plans. 有没有其他让你满意的职业选择?
  2. Take a careful look at the schools you applied to. Ask for reconsideration or reapply. You may want to look into other schools.
  3. Prepare to begin searching for employment. 在重新申请之前,你可能需要一年的工作经验或时间来攒钱.


Use the following websites to learn about graduate schools: 


Junior Year – First Semester                   

1. 研究 areas of interest, 机构s and programs.
2. Talk with advisers about application requirements.
3. Register/prepare for appropriate graduate admission tests.
4. Investigate national 奖学金.

5. Begin obtaining 推荐信.

Junior Year – Second Semester

1. Take required graduate admission tests.
2. Write for application materials.
3. Visit 机构s of interest.
4. Write your application essay.
5. Check on application deadlines and rolling admissions policies.

6. 用于医学, 牙科, 整骨疗法, 足部医疗, 或者法学院, 您可能需要注册大多数程序使用的国家应用程序或数据组装服务.

Senior Year – First Semester

1. Obtain 推荐信 if you haven’t already.
2. Take graduate admissions tests if you haven’t already.

3. Submit completed 应用程序.

Senior Year – Second Semester

1. 如果需要,注册研究生和专业学校经济援助服务(GAPSFAS).
2. 在截止日期前与所有院校联系,确保你的文件完整.
3. Send a deposit to your 机构 of choice.
4. 把你的决定通知其他接受你的学院和大学,这样他们就可以在等待名单上录取学生了.

5. 给给你写推荐信的人发感谢信,告诉他们你的成功.

Download the 研究生院资助 Guide

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding, 在你一切所行的事上都要认定他、他必指引你的路!箴言3:5-6