Shame and Honor Conference

The West and the theology that has predominated in Christian witness has had an emphasis on guilt/innocence, whereas the Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and Tribal cultures in our world emphasize shame and honor.

On September 19-20, 2013 professors from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, missiologists, field practitioners, and church administrators gathered at Andrews University to discuss how biblical themes could also be presented in shame and honor contexts.

One of the goals of the conference was to encourage the engagement of the church’s theologians in the issues facing the church in its witness to people in the world’s religions—people who have a worldview shaped by issues of honor and shame. The papers presented will be published in book form by the Department of World Mission in the Seminary. For those interested in a copy, contact

View 2013 Conference Presenters

Contact Person: Bruce Bauer,