
The following are the 2015 general publications for Andrews University faculty members.



School of Architecture & Interior Design:


School of Education:





G. B. Woodruff. The balance. SpinSheet:切萨皮克湾帆船, 37-38, Aug 2015.

G. B. Woodruff. Farmers and me. SpinSheet:切萨皮克湾帆船, 32-33, Feb 2015.

G. B. Woodruff. The power of manure. SpinSheet:切萨皮克湾帆船, 37, Nov 2015.

G. B. Woodruff. 保护视觉海景. SpinSheet:切萨皮克湾帆船. 37, May 2015.

Behavioral Sciences

H. J. Burnett. Meeting the needs of CISM teams throughout the state of Michigan: MCRAs success through an annual training conference. LifeNet 26(3), 4, 12-13, 2015.

H. W. Helm Jr. and K. G. D. Bailey. An eye for design. Watercolor Artist, xx, 46-55, Oct 2015.

A. M. Baltazar, D. C. McBride, C. VanderWaal和K Conopio. Sex, drugs, and alcohol: What Adventist college students say about the role of parents and religion. Pp. 68-72,在威利和伊莱恩奥利弗(编).), 走向世界:永恒的健康家庭. General Conference Department of Family Ministries, AdventSource: Lincoln, NE, 2015.


J. L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, and J. Cushing. Nature makes sense. International Innovation 191, 52-53, 2015.

J. L. Hayward. A tale of faith and doubt: Reviewing the latest book on Dr. John Harvey Kellogg [B. C. Wilson. Dr. 约翰·哈维·凯洛格和生物生活的宗教. 印第安纳大学出版社:布卢明顿,印第安纳州]. Spectrum 43, 69-75, 80, 2018.


Kim, Eun-Young Julia. 机器翻译和第二语言写作. MITESOL Newsletter 42(1), 20-22, 2015.


Kathleen M. Demsky. EDRA 46 [Environmental Design Research Association annual bibliographic publication]. Architecture Resource Center, bet365中文大学:贝里恩斯普林斯,密歇根州,2015年.

Kathleen M. Demsky. Waldensian tour guide. School of Architecture, bet365中文大学:贝里恩斯普林斯,密歇根州,2015年.

Cynthia Mae Helms. Selected Andrews University students’ published books: A review. ASDAL Action 35(1), 23-24, Fall 2015.

Sarah Kimakwa. The James White Library: A vibrant place in a tranquil setting. 密歇根图书馆协会,2015.

Sarah Kimakwa. 国家图书馆周和社会意识峰会. ASDAL行动34(2),5-6,冬季2015.

Sarah Kimakwa. 在困难时期保护你的图书馆. ASDAL Action 34(2), 7, Winter 2015.

Marianne Kordas. About the music. 霍华德介绍:Auerole三人组. 霍华德演艺中心. bet365中文,2015年11月22日.

Marianne Kordas. About the music. 霍华德呈现:欧几里得四重奏. 霍华德演艺中心. bet365中文,2015年10月13日.

Marianne Kordas. Program notes. Graun Viola Concerto No.2. Camerata Milwaukee. 2015年5月2日,威斯康星州密尔沃基.

Marianne Kordas. About the music. The Howard Presents: bet365中文大学教师三人组. 霍华德演艺中心. bet365中文,2015年2月14日.

Marianne Kordas. About the music. 霍华德介绍:布兰登·瑞登诺. 霍华德演艺中心. Berrien Springs, MI. February 22, 2015.

Marianne Kordas. About the music. AUSO: Winter Concert. 霍华德演艺中心. Berrien Springs, MI. January 31, 2015.

Timothy Arena and Marianne Kordas. About the music. Andrews University Symphony Orchestra: Mendelssohn Symphony No. 2. 霍华德演艺中心. 贝里恩斯普林斯,密歇根州,2015年4月25日.

Terry Robertson, Merlin D. Burt, and Jim Ford. bet365中文大学复临研究中心.神学图书馆事业 8(1), 24–29, 2015. http://theolib.atla.com/theolib/article/view/368


J. M. Hayward, S. M. Henson, and J. M. Cushing. Nature makes sense. International Innovation 191, 52-55, 2015.


Carlos A. Flores. 原理Melodía y Armonía (392 pages). CreatSpace/Amazon:贝里恩泉,密歇根州,2015.


Paul B. Petersen, Jan A. Sigvartsen和Leanne Sigvartsen. 千禧一代眼中的复临派. Adventist Review, 51-57, April 2015.

Social Work

A. M. Baltazar. 成瘾与家庭. 生命之旅通讯. Adventist Recovery Ministries: Silver Spring, MD, September/October 2015.

A. M. Baltazar, D. C. McBride, C. VanderWaal, and K. Conopio. Sex, drugs, and alcohol: What Adventist college students say about the role of parents and religion. Pp. 68-72,在威利和伊莱恩奥利弗(编).), 到达世界:健康的家庭永恒. General Conference Department of Family Ministries: Lincoln, NE, 2015.

视觉艺术、传播 & Design

Glen R. Brown. Steve Hansen’s Trojan Vessels. Ceramics Monthly, 50-52, December 2015.

Dave Sherwin, Sandra Blackmer, Michael Campbell, and Andrew McChesney. "3 New and Incumbent GC Vice Presidents elected” (cover and inside photographs). Adventist Review. July 7, 2015.

School of Architecture & Interior Design


Andrew von Maur. Twin Cities Harbor: A Study of Potential in Benton Harbor & St. Joseph, MI. bet365中文大学:贝里恩斯普林斯,密歇根州,2015年.


Accounting, Economics & Finance

L. Sabas and L. Ruhupatty. Nationally held public debt and economic growth: An application to the US economy. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research 5(6), 2015年12月9-18日.

Management, Marketing & Information Systems

J. Chi and G. Chi. 风险管理和世界末日的风险. LDSC Journal 93(10), 7-13, Oct 2015.

School of Education

Graduate Psychology & Counseling

Tevni Grajales. What spirit we have? Adventist Review, January 21 2015. 翻译:Vilken ande? God Jord, July 2015; Mikä henki Nykyaika, May 2015.


Duane Covrig. 在我们的世界里有更多的道德领导. LifeInfo 14(1), 48-51, 59, 2015.

Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

W. Oliver, E. Oliver, and L. Greulich. Creating awareness of members with disabilities in our church family. Pp. 54-59,在威利和伊莱恩奥利弗(编).), 走向世界:永恒的健康家庭. General Conference Department of Family Ministries: Lincoln, NE, 2015.



J. Chi & G. Chi. 风险管理和世界末日的风险. LDSC Journal 93,7 -13, 2015年10月10日.


Christian Ministry

Skip Bell. Farming in the city!” Current, 32-36, Summer 2015.

Tom Evans. National missionaries: Solid answer for the abundant harvest. News from ASAP Ministries—Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted2016年第一季度.

Tom Evans. 神学院学生的新难民朋友.” News from ASAP Ministries—Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted, 8-9, First Quarter 2016.

Tom Evans. Planting more SEEDS. 北美部部长在线.
http://www.nadministerial.org/article/1022/public-evangelism-resources/articles/planting-more-seeds .

Tom Evans and Jose Cortes Jr. 一项运动必须有势头. Adventist Review Online,发布于2015年12月29日.

Joseph Kidder. 一个充满上帝恩典和爱的教堂. Ministry, 30, October 2015.

Joseph Kidder. 这是家庭礼拜时间! Review, 44-47, April 2015.

Joseph Kidder. 教会冲突的四种类型,第一部分. Elder’s Digest2015年1月至3月30日.

Joseph Kidder. 如何处理教会冲突(下). Elder’s Digest, 29, April-June 2015.

Joseph Kidder. 改变生命的故事:祷告的事工,第一部分. Elder’s Digest, 31, 2015年7 - 9月.

Joseph Kidder. “Life-Changing Stories: The Ministry of Presence, Part 2.” Elder’s Digest2015年10月至12月31日.

Joseph Kidder. Touching lives like Jesus: Following the example of the Master. Review, 47-50, November 2015.

Joseph Kidder. 教会小册子的价值. Ministry, 30, June 2015.

Joseph Kidder and David Penno. A Christian perspective on watching secular TV programming. Pp. 60-66,在威利和伊莱恩奥利弗(编).), 永恒的健康家庭. General Conference Department of Family Ministries: Silver Spring, MD, 2015.

Errol McLean. Called to power. Current 3, 16-18, Summer 2015.

Ricardo Norton. La Biblia como La palabra de Dios. El Centinela, 16-19, January 2015.

S. E. Patterson. 精神召唤:职业和嗜好. Current 3, 37-43, Summer 2015.

D. Penno. Desenvolvimento de Liderança Sustentável [Development of Sustainable Leadership]. Foco na Pessoa 4(1), 6-8, 2015.

S. J. Kidder and D. Penno. A Christian perspective on watching secular TV programming. Pp. 60-66,在威利和伊莱恩奥利弗(编).), 永恒的健康家庭. General Conference Department of Family Ministries: Silver Spring, MD, 2015.

Church History

Nicholas Miller. 四季不变的男人:纪念律师李·布斯比. Liberty, May/June 2015.

Jerry Allen Moon. Herbert Douglass’ greatest contribution to Adventist theology: Douglass used Ellen G. White’s writings to offer clarity during challenging times. Adventist World—NAD, 4-6, March 2015.

Hyveth Williams. 安慰和挑战. Adventist Review, 23, March 19, 2015.

Hyveth Williams. 等候他的显现. Adventist Review, 25, December 10, 2015.

Hyveth Williams. Prophetic preaching. Current 3, Summer 2015.

Hyveth Williams. 要求:个人经验. Adventist Review, 25, January 15, 2015.

Discipleship & Religious Education

David Sedlacek. 从宽恕到和解. Adventist Review Online. July 9, 2015.

New Testament

Richard Choi. 教师版学习帮助:第2课和第7-9课. In Clifford R. Goldstein (ed.), Proverbs: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, January-March 2015. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists: Silver Spring, MD, 2015.

Felix Cortez. 喇合的子孙:第二代的信仰. Perspective Digest 20(2), 2015.

Felix Cortez. Gospel hemi-neglect. Perspective Digest 20(3), 2015.

Felix Cortez. 字面的,简单的圣经意义. Perspective Digest 20(4), 2015.

Felix Cortez. “You must prophesy again”: What does it mean to be a prophetic people? Perspective Digest 20(1), 2015.

Thomas R. Shepherd. 学者和上帝的话语. Perspective Digest 20(2), May 2-, 2015.

Old Testament

Richard Davidson. Éxtasis en el Edén: Los designios de Dios para la sexualidad humana [Ecstasy in Eden: The divine design for human sexuality]. AULA7 28, 7-11, December 2015.

Richard Davidson. Lo que dice la biblia acerca de la homosexualidad [What the Bible says about homosexuality]. AULA7 2015年12月28 -19日.

Richard Davidson. 先知学校是牧灵教育的典范. Current 3, 19-22, Summer 2015.

Richard Davidson. 教师版学习帮助:第4课. In Clifford R. Goldstein (ed.), Proverbs: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, January-March 2015. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists: Silver Spring, MD, 2015.

Richard Davidson. 关于起源,圣经说了什么? Perspective Digest 20(1), 2015.

Richard Davidson and Randall W. Younker. 天上圆顶的神话. Pp. 25-38, in Gerald A. Klingbeil (ed.), He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament. 太平洋出版社:南帕,ID, 2015.

Roy Gane. 教师版学习帮助:第3课和5-6课. In Clifford R. Goldstein (ed.), Proverbs: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, January-March 2015. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists: Silver Spring, MD, 2015.

Oliver Glanz. The formal characteristics of Jussiv, Adhortative, and Cohortative as features in BibleOL. BibleOL, 2015.
http://bibleol.3bmoodle.dk/ .

Paul Gregor. 创造呼应了《bet365中文》中的《bet365中文》第一章和第二章. Pp. 第73-84页,杰拉尔德·克林贝尔(Gerald Klingbeil)主编.), He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament. 太平洋出版社:南帕,ID, 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. Between Sadducees and Pharisees: How Jesus claims the theological center. Adventist World, 16-19, April 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. The cost of discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the church’s prophetic voice. Adventist Review Online.

Gerald Klingbeil. Crooked wood—Upright posture: What does it take to walk tall? Adventist World, 12-13,June 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. Die Gabe des Fremden: Schöpfung, Kultur und unsere Suche nach Zugehörigkeit. Adventisten Heute, 8-11, July 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. Digging Lachish: Recovering the past tells us about the God of the future. Adventist World, 16-20, January 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. 终于自由了:我们得救是为了庆祝解放. Adventist World, 14-15, November 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. The gift of the stranger: Creation, culture, and our search for community. Adventist Review, 40-43, December 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. 身份危机:没有过去就没有未来. Adventist Review 27-29, April 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. The Joseph-files: How can we navigate ethical dilemmas in tough circumstances. Adventist World, 16-19, December 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil. Remembering July 16, 1915: Ellen White’s legacy and relevance—A personal journey. Adventist Review Online.

Gerald Klingbeil. 回顾布莱恩·加兰特, 《不可否认:穿越痛苦的史诗之旅. Adventist Review, 16, December 2015.

Gerald Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil. Week of Prayer Readings: “I Knew You Were Coming”: The Certainty of the Second Coming; “You Alone Are Worthy”: Worship and the Second Coming; “How Then Shall We Wait?” Patient Endurance and the Second Coming; “Your Sons and Daughters Will Prophesy”: The Gift of Prophecy and the Second Coming; “Christ in You, the Hope of Glory”: Assurance and the Second Coming; “Greatest Terror—Greatest Hope”: The Certainty and Joy of the Resurrection, 18-19. Adventist Review, 6-19, October 2015.

Jiří Moskala. 希伯来圣经中的圣灵. Perspective Digest 20(1), 2015.
http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/154/archives/20-1/ the-holy-spirit-in-the-hebrew-scriptures.

Jiří Moskala. 最近对上帝品格的攻击. Perspective Digest 20(4), 2015.
http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/182/archives/20-4/ recent-attacks-on-the-character-of-god

Jiří Moskala. The surprising God of Jonah: His compassion and our genuine obedience. Current 3, 44-45, Summer 2015.

Jiří Moskala. 教师版学习帮助:第一课. In Clifford R. Goldstein (ed.), Proverbs: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, January-March 2015. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists: Silver Spring, MD, 2015.

Jiří Moskala. The value of Adventist scholarship: Striving for excellence and advancing in truth. Current 3, 1-3, Summer 2015.


Jo Ann Davidson. An ancient honor roll. Dialogue 26(3), 5-8, 2015.

Jo Ann Davidson. 教会,管理和生态. Dynamic Stewardship 19(3), 24, 2015.

Jo Ann Davidson. 教师版学习帮助:第10-13课. In Clifford R. Goldstein (ed.), Proverbs: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, January-March 2015. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists: Silver Spring, MD, 2015.

Martin Hanna. 学术的精神恩赐. Current 3, 46-47, Summer 2015.

Darius Jankiewicz. líder克里斯蒂亚诺市. Pp. 47-74, in Oscar S. Mendoza and Daniel A. Mora (eds.), Apartadas para el Ministerio: Una perpectiva adventista sobre la ordenación. 福塔莱萨:利马,Perú, 2015.

Darius Jankiewicz. 2月2日:Fue ella una líder en la iglesia pritiva? Pp. 171-180, in Oscar S. Mendoza and Daniel A. Mora (eds.), Apartadas para el Ministerio: Una perpectiva adventista sobre la ordenación. 福塔莱萨:利马,Perú, 2015.