

詹姆斯·怀特图书馆 strives to develop information literacy in Andrews University students so they may improve scholarship, 创建知识, 实现教育目标, 成为终身学习者.


我们生活在一个信息比以往任何时候都多的时代. 我们每天都受到无线电信息的轰炸, 电视, 报纸, 杂志, 期刊, 书, 电子邮件, 社交媒体, 以及互联网网站. Even if we wished to remember everything we see, hear, or read, our minds cannot absorb it all.

The online environment has revolutionized both the administration and delivery of information. In the academic setting, technology has transformed the classroom and the library. 除了在线书籍和文章, students must navigate and evaluate a myriad of online websites of varying types. How can they determine which resources best meet their information and research needs?

Information literacy is the key to understanding and thriving in the contemporary age. 根据美国图书馆协会(2015年), "Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, 信息是如何产生和价值的, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning." Teaching faculty and librarians need to work together to ensure that students develop the skills needed to successfully achieve their university and life goals.


大学协会 & 研究图书馆, 美国图书馆协会的一个分支, 2015年通过该文件修订了其信息素养能力, "高等教育信息素养框架." The Framework includes the following six concepts plus knowledge practices and dispositions which support each concept.

  •     权威是建构的和语境的
  •     作为过程的信息创造
  •     信息有价值
  •     研究即探究
  •     学术作为对话
  •     搜索作为战略探索


The following guidelines are intended to assist library faculty and teaching faculty in assessing their students' information literacy skills.

  •     能力标准 are based on the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) 信息素养 Value Rubric.
  •     短期的技能 是否需要完成即时任务.
  •     责任 to Teach refers to the party most likely to assess student learning in the specified area.
  •     终身的技能 这些是学生应该终生使用的吗.
能力标准 短期的技能

Understand the scope and key concepts of the assignment including the types of sources needed

图书馆的老师 & 教学师资

Recognize when information is needed and know of possible sources of this information

根据需要定义主题的范围 图书馆的老师 & 教学师资 选择相关资料

Select appropriate investigative method such as literature search, experiment, etc.


使用有效且设计良好的搜索策略 图书馆的老师 能够适应和改进源实体中的搜索



Think critically about information encountered in career as well as everyday life
评估信息来源的相关性、偏颇性、权威性、可信度、时效性等. 图书馆的老师 & 教学师资
识别文档与其他文档的关系 教学师资




Incorporate information into everyday life and work in a useful and appropriate manner




了解受版权保护材料的法律限制 图书馆的老师 & 教学师资 遵守版权法


图书馆的老师 & 教学师资 了解伦理和引用资料的过程

图书馆的老师 & 教学师资




Designing assignments that make effective use of library resources requires thought and planning. 图书馆 faculty are willing to teach class sessions and work with you in developing collaborative assignments to help students achieve these information literacy competency standards.

  • "The perfect library assignment combines two aims: increase students' knowledge of the subject matter and skills for locating and using information.(Hardesty, Hastreiter, and Henderson, 1993, p . 391). 89.这里有一些实用的建议.
  •  When adapting textbook assignments, make sure that our library has the needed resources. You may need to edit the assignment to include resources available in the 詹姆斯·怀特图书馆 or to reflect the 图书馆's organization.
  • 区分在线文章和网站. Your students do not necessarily know the difference between these two types of sources and may be hesitant to use online article databases if you tell them not to use the Web.
  • 提供的边界. It is not necessary or good to ask students to compile a bibliography of everything about abortion in the 图书馆. List the types of sources expected and encourage them to use critical thinking skills.
  • With some assignments, it may be helpful to do the assignment yourself ahead of time. This enables you to identify potential problems and to confirm that the 图书馆 has the needed resources. Do this far enough in advance so that if it is necessary, the 图书馆 can acquire needed materials.
  • 如果学生需要使用特定的书籍, 文章, 或视频, 把它们保留下来,让学生平等地获得材料.
  • 带学生去图书馆学习如何使用相关资源.
  • 和同学们一起去图书馆上课. It is helpful for the teacher to know what the librarian has covered when students raise questions regarding the requirements of their assignment. It is also helpful for the students to see teaching faculty and library faculty working together in partnership.
  • 编写有注释的参考书目,为写论文做准备.
  • 识别和审查相关的专业组织, 期刊, 以及他们所选学科的其他专业发展来源.
  • Require students to consult 书 and journal 文章 when solving case studies, 写作练习教案, 或者准备布道.
  • Evaluate 文章 on the same topic from different sources: magazine, journal, newspaper.


The goal of our library instruction program is to help our users achieve information literacy. 有了这个目标,我们提供了一些教学服务. 我们的任何一项服务都可以适用于校外学生.

  • 方向游 带领用户参观图书馆, 提供图书馆服务的摘要, 并教用户如何定位某个主题领域的资料.
  • 研讨会 每学期是否由图书馆安排和主持. 关注bet365中文议程, 查一下图书馆的日历, 或致电471-3283查询下次工作坊的举办时间.
  • 学术指导 may be arranged at any time during the semester with at least one week's notice. Instruction is most meaningful when it is timed with a project requiring the use of the library.
  • Course-integrated指令 教员和图书馆教员之间是否有合作. Both can work together to coordinate library visits and assignments before the semester begins.
  • 在线教程 对校内和校外学生都适用吗. 鼓励学生完成图书馆入门2.0. A customizable certificate may be printed out to hand in to teachers to verify completion of the tutorial.
  • 教师拓展 is a program designed specifically to help faculty keep up-to-date with resources and services at the 图书馆. 团体或个人预约均可.
  • 学校组织. 詹姆斯·怀特图书馆 is happy to host school groups of elementary or high school students. 每15名学生应有一名成人陪同. 我们还建议学校图书管理员陪同学生.


申请参观, 课堂教学, 或者是教师拓展, 联系教学图书管理员, 塞拉斯·马奎斯的电子邮件(silas@akazo.net),致电269-471-6263或使用 图书馆谘询表格. 提前不少于一周提交申请. Include course name and number and the number of students who will be attending. It is also helpful to provide the librarian with a copy of the assignment the students will be working on.